In details
T1 (or Pi-Days) - 4 days
Pi-days are meant for the pionniers who have reached their final year, whereas the Module 1 targets the leaders in operation. Apart from this difference in the target audience, the programmes are the same, focusing both on the values of the Scout Law and how they inspire good leadership.
T2 - 3 days
T2 puts the emphasis on the Scout method, on how to live out Scouting and on how to adjust this method to each age group. That is why this module is delivered in branches.
T3 - 4 days
T3 puts the emphasis on our educational ambition (our objectives for Scouts), the purpose of our action. This training is delivered in branches, in order to enhance the pedagogical consistency between what we propose to all ages, some sessions bring together the other M3 groups.
Because Scouting is not experienced in quite the same way in the city, up in the country or even in two separate units, two training sessions specifically organised at the local level are included in the programme in order to take into account the reality in each unit. These sessions are put together by the unit team.

How to graduate as a club leader in a holiday centre?
To graduate as a club leader in a holiday centre, you have to train for a maximum of 3 years and complete a full training course (starting with the Pi-days or the T1).
If you have exceeded the 3-year time limit:
- In some particular cases, you can obtain a derogation to extend the training period: Get in touch with Les Scouts for more information;
- In any case, complete the training pathway: you will be recognised as a WOSM Scout leader and you will receive your logs.
If you were still busy trying to complete your training in 2019-2020, you may have been impeded in the achievement of your pathway due to the cancellation of some modules. You will therefore be awarded an extra year to reach the end of the training pathway.

You do not have the official certificate?
Subject to certain conditions, you can obtain an equivalent credential or be equated to a leader. In this case, register directly for the M3 sessions to discover the specificities of the Scout method.
Bespoke supportuivi personnalisé
You have now found out about the various stages of the training pathway, but there is more. Les Scouts provide you some personal support! Every leader who starts training is offered bespoke on-the-job support from their unit team.